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Political Contributions For Elections By Individuals In SPRINGVILLE,UT

First Name Last Name Occupation Amount Date
Brigitte Mrs.  Wing    $25000  2004-07-28 
Harold R Mr.  Wing  H.r. Wing Enterprises Inc./owner  $10000  2004-12-16 
Harold R Mr.  Wing  Self/chief Executive Officer  $2500  2003-05-27 
Harold R Mr.  Wing  Self/chief Executive Officer  $2500  2003-04-02 
Harold R Mr.  Wing  Self/chief Executive Officer  $2500  2003-03-03 
Harold R Mr.  Wing  Self/chief Executive Officer  $2500  2003-04-25 
Robert  Hunter  1-800-contacts  $2000  2004-09-30 
Robert  Hunter    $2000  2004-03-26 
Harold  Wing    $2000  2004-06-21 
Harold  Wing  Wing Enterprises Inc./president & C  $2000  2004-07-07 
B.  Wing  Wing Enterprises Inc./retired  $2000  2004-07-29 
Jan  Pinder    $2000  2004-06-22 
Richard D.  Maughan  Ceo  $2000  2003-12-31 
Robert  Hunter  1-800-contacts  $2000  2004-03-17 
Ken Mr.  Murdock  Self-employed/investments Advisor  $2000  2004-08-30 
Harold R. Mr.  Wing  Wing Enterprises Inc./owner/ceo  $1775  2004-04-23 
Joseph C  Morton  Xango  $1667  2004-12-21 
Robert G  Hunter    $1000  2004-05-10 
Dane E.  Adams    $1000  2004-11-01 
Hal  Wing  Wing Enterprises Inc  $1000  2004-09-14 
Robert G  Hunter  Physician  $1000  2003-09-30 
Dane E.  Adams    $1000  2004-11-01 
Robert  Hunter  1-800-contacts/businessman  $1000  2004-02-24 
Davids. Mr.  Hullinger    $1000  2003-05-20 
David N Mr.  Nemelka  Self-employed  $1000  2003-09-30 
Robert  Hunter  1-800-contacts/bussinessman  $1000  2004-08-09 
David S Mr.  Hullinger    $1000  2004-10-20 
Michael H.  Cunningham  Neways International/ceo  $1000  2004-08-24 
Ruth A  Sigman  Retired  $990  2004-08-19 
Arthur Mr.  Wing  Wing Enterprises Inc./president  $944  2004-10-19 
Harold R Mr.  Wing  Self-employed/ladderman  $750  2004-07-23 
Patrick W Dr.  Kronmiller  Collins-kronmiller Urologic/physici  $745  2004-07-22 
Patrick W Dr.  Kronmiller  Collins-kronmiller Urologic  $745  2004-08-13 
Patrick W Dr.  Kronmiller  Collins-kronmiller Urologic/physici  $745  2004-08-10 
Mike T Mr.  Morley  M-13 Construction Corp./president  $625  2004-03-01 
Mike T Mr.  Morley  M-13 Construction Corp./president  $625  2004-03-31 
L. Douglas  Hill  Dynamic City/metro Net Advisors/com  $500  2003-05-29 
Eddie Mr.  Ballard  Self-employed/plumbing Contractor  $500  2003-04-15 
Michael  Cunningham  Neways/ceo  $500  2004-09-02 
Barry J.  Steed  Neways International/vp Of Marketin  $500  2004-08-24 
F. C Mr.  Packard  Retired  $500  2004-02-26 
Eddie Mr.  Ballard  Self-employed/plumbing Contractor  $500  2004-05-17 
Wilford  Clyde  Clyde Companies Inc./president  $500  2003-12-19 
Harold R  Wing  Hr Wing Enterprises Inc  $500  2004-05-03 
F. C Mr.  Packard  Central Bank & Trust/consultant  $500  2004-10-19 
Hal  Clyde  Not Employed/retired  $500  2003-06-04 
Matthew  Packard  Central Bank & Trust/banker  $500  2003-05-06 
Mike T Mr.  Morley  M-13 Construction Inc./president/ch  $500  2003-03-12 
Leslie Mrs.  Mower    $500  2004-04-09 
Eddie Mr.  Ballard  Self-employed/plumbing Contractor  $500  2003-11-21 
Calvin  Crandall  Self Employed/agriculture  $500  2003-04-20 
Andrea Ms.  Anaya  Career Step/president  $500  2003-09-29 
Ruth A Ms.  Sigman  Retired  $500  2004-11-01 
F. Calvin  Packard  Central Bank & Trust/banker  $500  2003-05-06 
Patrick W Dr.  Kronmiller  Collins-kronmiller Urologic/physici  $450  2003-09-18 
Patrick W Dr.  Kronmiller  Collins-kronmiller Urologic/physici  $375  2003-12-30 
Mark Mr.  Sheranian  Self-employed/network Marketing  $360  2004-03-04 
James  Watson  Neways/vp Of Human Resources  $300  2004-09-02 
Jerald W.  Jones  Curecrete Chemical Corp  $300  2003-01-03 
B. Mr.  Crandall  D.h.i. Computing Service/data Proce  $300  2004-10-25 
John B Mr.  Packard  Retired  $300  2004-01-05 
Norma J  Jameson  Retired  $300  2004-10-25 
Norma  Jameson  Retired  $300  2004-10-13 
Patrick W Dr.  Kronmiller  Collins-kronmiller Urologic/physici  $280  2004-05-10 
Harold R Mr.  Wing  Self-employed/ladderman  $250  2004-05-14 
Sheila  Raboy  Self Employed/consultant  $250  2003-12-26 
Paul B Mr.  Clyde  Clyde Companies/executive  $250  2004-10-20 
Harold R Mr.  Wing  Self-employed/president/c.e.o.  $250  2004-09-29 
Harold R Mr.  Wing  Self-employed/ladderman  $250  2004-08-26 
Harold R Mr.  Wing  Wing Enterprises Inc./owner  $250  2004-06-30 
Harold R Mr.  Wing  Self-employed/ladderman  $250  2004-05-24 
Kevin J  Sutterfield  Self/attorney  $250  2004-01-29 
Richard G Mr.  Close  Retired  $250  2004-03-30 
Mark  Packard  Central Bank/banker  $250  2003-07-31 
Rodney  Petersen  Utah Valley Radiology Assoc/radiolo  $250  2004-05-18 
Harold R Mr.  Wing  Wing Enterprises Inc/president  $250  2004-10-05 
Michael T Mr.  Morley  M-13 Construction Corp./president  $250  2004-10-12 
Harold R Mr.  Wing    $250  2004-08-17 
Henry T  Reynolds  Central Bank & Trust/banker  $250  2003-05-06 
Harold  Wing  Wing Enterprises Inc./president & C  $250  2004-09-30 
W H H  Crowley  Retired  $250  2003-10-07 
Douglas  Hurren  Central Bank & Trust/banker  $250  2003-06-30 
Brian  Lambert  Self-employed/physical Therapist  $250  2004-10-19 
Harold R  Wing  Hr Wing Enterprises Inc  $240  2004-09-21 
Harold R Mr.  Wing  Self-employed/ladderman  $225  2004-05-10 
Harold R. Mr.  Wing  Wing Enterprises Inc./owner/ceo  $225  2004-04-23 
Harold R. Mr.  Wing  Wing Enterprises Inc./owner/ceo  $220  2004-04-02 
Harold R Mr.  Wing  Wing Enterprises Inc./owner/ceo  $220  2004-01-15 
Marlener. Ms.  Geiser  Self-employed/health & Lifestyle Co  $205  2003-04-17 
Haroldr. Mr.  Wing  Wing Enterprises Inc./business Owne  $200  2003-02-24 
Haroldr. Mr.  Wing  Self-employed/business Owner  $200  2003-04-28 
Brian  Lambert  Pst Services/physical Therapist  $200  2003-09-04 
Lou Ann Mrs.  Talcott  Retired/educator  $200  2003-06-06 
Patrick W Dr.  Kronmiller  Self-employed/physician  $200  2004-11-03 
Bill  Pope  Dimacron/ceo  $200  2004-10-21 
Patrick W Dr.  Kronmiller  Collins-kronmiller Urologic/physici  $74  2004-08-13 

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