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Property Tax Babboons
2005-07-15 03:12:52 |
I live in Tewksbury township. Like the rest of New Jersey
homeowners, we pay exhorbitant property tax rates (we're gettin' away
cheap at $1100 each and every month). What completely confounds
me is why, in the recent school board elections, local residents voted
FOR a property tax increase to fund some athletic effort at the local
schools. Why is the state lottery not going to fund these sorts
of efforts, like it was originally supposed to ? This is why the
schmucks in Trenton do not listen to people who gripe about their
property taxes.. I know I'd never listen to complaints about some moron
who votes for a property tax increase because he is part of the
problem. I can only think that more Tewksbury Township residents
are RENTERS and not OWNERS.....these people should not be allowed to
designate property owners as the slobs who need to foot the bill for
sonething like this. The PARENTS of kids attending the schools should
fork over the cash....maybe then they'd be less enthusiastic about
expensive and unnecessary expenditures at school. |
joined: 2005-08-19 12:03:59
Criminal Immigration?
2005-08-19 12:06:32
Support DREAM act.
 Immigration problem.
                          By David Jang
I've seem things.
Yes, I've seem them.
All around the nation they are here.
They work, they drink and finally they "produce" new American citizens.
They are "America Destroyers"
Who am I talking about?
 Illigal Mexican immigrants..
Well I don't think that I'm not a really right person to write about this
because I'm not white nor citizen.
However, I did graduated highschool and hey this is why I write.
I have a theory about illegal immigrants. They are wrong.
I might look hypocritical but I loved Bush. I like him for several reasons..
He doesn't support spread of gays and he will protect Americans.. etc.
Just like you all do we have things to protect. We want to keep good things
as long as possible.
 Even I'm a guy like you guys I have one significant difference.
I, myself is a illegal Immigration.
Ironic isn't it?
Well tecnically I should be permanat resdent according to my parents' status
but because of one month I have to wait in line. (if you know what I mean)
so in order to make it better I happened to support DREAM act.
Life is weird.. trust me. How one second could kill you.
My point isn't to blame or anything
My point is this. Let's take close a look at DREAM act!
Let's be honest folks since when did we hate immigrants?
Raise you hand if anyone of your family immigrated here.
Research says Approximately 12 percent of the U.S.
population is foreign born
and if 12 percent of us are foreign born what is the percentage
of American who has their dads, moms and their grand moms
and grand father as immigrants or simply foreign born?
Well, one of you should raise your hand because America
almost always opened gate for immigrants for very long time also.
There are Irish immigrant family, Italian immigrant family, there
are German and French immigrant families. I mean very much
portion of "American" familis have thier great great grand fathers as i
mmigrants too. We know they are "all good" now because they all naturalized
So.. why now do we think of illigal immigrants so nagatively nowadays??
It wasn't like this before 30 years ago.
America can't talk freely about racial things because there are
too many of them. You can't just go out and yell " I hate blcak
send them back to Africa " or " I hate all Asians send them
back to China and I hate thier stupid eyes "
Not a smart thing to do and could be a problem if you are in the
"hood" or Chinatown.
I want to ask this.
and who deserve to be American?
What America should say ? It's about "them".
 "Hey you Mexicans go back you where you came from"
They are killing everything include immigrants who's not one
of them. Do you want to know exactly what's the problem?
I'll be little franky with you.
 Most Mexican immigrants come here by crossing rivers.
They don't have any documents to explain purpose of
coming and I have to tell you this, they make America and
new immigrants look all "not really good".
I'll tell you what they do. They come here, work hard
and produce massive number of children.
I mean it is a really really big problem.
It's way over the limit.
They make minimum wages lower and demotivate
all American people to get many jobs who were here first.
 Their children who are "Americans Citizens" don't
really work hard like thier parents do. LOTs of them
drop out high school and join gangs.. These children
demotivate American students to make it to graduation day.
 In school blacks and Latinos drop out
high school like they are crazy. School isn't no more a
place to have fun and learn. It became a place where
only nerds study to them. I mean since when school was
a place where nothing is important?
At least it looks like it is now.
They are barbarians.. one day that will
definitly kill America.
Then Why do we bother to support DREAM act?
Because DREAM act is for students who really
worked hard at youthful ages and try to work for
this societ and get thier selves educated.
I seriously doubt that this will make this society worse.
I thought It would pass but It may not now or ever.
I worry if it doesn't pass it will demotivate more children
to drop out high school and its more problem
adding to school and society.
This act is for children who's came here under age of 16 and
got thier education done and this act will allow them to get themselve
more educated or work.
Some critics say that this act will cause more illigal immigrants
but stopping illigal immigrant isn't our job who's already in USA,
it is actually board patrols' job and why is it bad to letting
illigal children to be naturalized rather than let them be what
thier parents were.
Lots of researches says there will be job shortages because even
population of the nation is significanly increasing people simply
don't get educate themselve to work. Many labor experts prediced that
there will be job shortages in one or two decades starting with
medical and IT field.
Lots of children who graduated from highschool, or got GED or
even graduated from college have to go thorough unfortunate events
because simply they were "brought" here with undocumented parents.
Some didn't know some did know that they were undocumented.
However I think it's better to give these children one more
chance and trust them even though they are unfortunately considered to
be "criminal" in United States.
Criminals who came here before 16 and got their education
done deserve more change than who didn't. At least I hope
that's true for people who can be "crinimal" no matter
how good they are and how young they were when they were
brought here.
Bottom line: If you don't think they deserve to be
                  American or give them a chace to work and learn,
                    just hate them and oppose this act.
                However, If you think they deserve chance to
                 work and learn, support DREAM act.
                How to support DREAM act.
                 1. Write letter to people who matter.
                 2. Make public opinion like I do now.
                 3. Visit and support other groups
                    who support this act.
                   (visit http://www.fairimmigration.org
                    or search internet about DREAM act)
joined: 2005-07-21 01:42:25
Ticked off about the tax increase !!!!!!!!
2005-07-21 01:44:34
In Response to an ad placed in the Walker County Messenger !!
Walker County Commissioner Bebe Heiskell will hold a third — and final — public hearing on her proposed property tax rate increase. The meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, July 27, at 10 a.m. at the commissioner’s office at 101 S. Duke St., LaFayette. For more information on the hearing, call the commissioner’s office at (706) 638-1437. (Note: This meeting was originally scheduled for Monday, July 25.)
The commissioner said the county was in debt when she took office and she has held it too low for too long. Heiskell said even if she raised the rate by 0.5 mills each year, as she was originally advised, it would be higher now than by the proposed 1.5 mill increase.
"I don’t think we can go on in our operations without the increase," Heiskell said. "I should have raised it a long time ago, but I didn’t. I was waiting for sales tax revenue, which was lower than hoped for."
Heiskell said the government is forced to "waste" money, such as having to pick up litter and replace torn-down stop signs or road signs.
"Personal responsibility by citizen’s would save the county a lot of money," Heiskell said.
I like the way Bebe Heiskell said: "the government is forced
to "waste" money, such as having to pick up litter and replace torn-down
stop signs or road signs", and "Personal responsibility by citizen's would
save the county a lot of money." I read about the loans she has had to take
out at the bank, and the taxes having to be raised, but the citizens of
walker county never hear about the county vehicles that are sold that are
being replaced for new ones. How are we selling them? Are they being sold
quietly without a lot of publication so people who work for the county or
Their family can buy them cheaper, are we hiding the sale in the legal section?
Or do we get the real price of what their worth by advertising that they
Are for sale on the front page of the paper?
I personally never hear of these sales before they take place, but have
heard a lot about them afterward. Well if we don't get fair market value,
that’s a waste of county money. And what about driving county vehicles for
personal use? I see county vehicles carrying their kids to school in Trion,
Ga. And I see folks driving volunteer county vehicles to their workplace that has
absolutely nothing to do with county business. Are we paying for the gas in
these vehicles and replacing the tires, brakes, changing the oil, replacing
worn parts. All of this is a complete waste of money that someone needs to
stop, and then monitor the situation to make sure it is stopped. I drive my
own vehicle to work like most other hard working people in this county and
pay for my own gasoline at $2.20 a gallon.. I wonder how much we spend
annually on these expenses for the county employees to use these vehicles.
And what about seized assets? I never hear of a county auction offering any
items that have been taken for illegal activities, and then sold for the
highest dollar. Are we selling them to our family members at a bargain
"giveaway" price, or do we get what they are worth. Where is everything
That has been recovered, seized, or abandoned in the last 10 years? Did it just Come up missing? I wonder!
Seems to me this would
be a tremendous revenue for walker county so why is it not being done? It is
the commissioner’s job to monitor this and save the county money, but it
always seems to be easier just to raise taxes and turn our head.
Personal responsibility by the county government would save ALOT more !
Chris Hollis
Lafayette, GA
EMAIL: kf4vqm@comcast.net
joined: 2005-07-21 01:42:25
Ticked off about the tax increase !!!!!!!!
2005-07-21 01:44:21
In Response to an ad placed in the Walker County Messenger !!
Walker County Commissioner Bebe Heiskell will hold a third — and final — public hearing on her proposed property tax rate increase. The meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, July 27, at 10 a.m. at the commissioner’s office at 101 S. Duke St., LaFayette. For more information on the hearing, call the commissioner’s office at (706) 638-1437. (Note: This meeting was originally scheduled for Monday, July 25.)
The commissioner said the county was in debt when she took office and she has held it too low for too long. Heiskell said even if she raised the rate by 0.5 mills each year, as she was originally advised, it would be higher now than by the proposed 1.5 mill increase.
"I don’t think we can go on in our operations without the increase," Heiskell said. "I should have raised it a long time ago, but I didn’t. I was waiting for sales tax revenue, which was lower than hoped for."
Heiskell said the government is forced to "waste" money, such as having to pick up litter and replace torn-down stop signs or road signs.
"Personal responsibility by citizen’s would save the county a lot of money," Heiskell said.
I like the way Bebe Heiskell said: "the government is forced
to "waste" money, such as having to pick up litter and replace torn-down
stop signs or road signs", and "Personal responsibility by citizen's would
save the county a lot of money." I read about the loans she has had to take
out at the bank, and the taxes having to be raised, but the citizens of
walker county never hear about the county vehicles that are sold that are
being replaced for new ones. How are we selling them? Are they being sold
quietly without a lot of publication so people who work for the county or
Their family can buy them cheaper, are we hiding the sale in the legal section?
Or do we get the real price of what their worth by advertising that they
Are for sale on the front page of the paper?
I personally never hear of these sales before they take place, but have
heard a lot about them afterward. Well if we don't get fair market value,
that’s a waste of county money. And what about driving county vehicles for
personal use? I see county vehicles carrying their kids to school in Trion,
Ga. And I see folks driving volunteer county vehicles to their workplace that has
absolutely nothing to do with county business. Are we paying for the gas in
these vehicles and replacing the tires, brakes, changing the oil, replacing
worn parts. All of this is a complete waste of money that someone needs to
stop, and then monitor the situation to make sure it is stopped. I drive my
own vehicle to work like most other hard working people in this county and
pay for my own gasoline at $2.20 a gallon.. I wonder how much we spend
annually on these expenses for the county employees to use these vehicles.
And what about seized assets? I never hear of a county auction offering any
items that have been taken for illegal activities, and then sold for the
highest dollar. Are we selling them to our family members at a bargain
"giveaway" price, or do we get what they are worth. Where is everything
That has been recovered, seized, or abandoned in the last 10 years? Did it just Come up missing? I wonder!
Seems to me this would
be a tremendous revenue for walker county so why is it not being done? It is
the commissioner’s job to monitor this and save the county money, but it
always seems to be easier just to raise taxes and turn our head.
Personal responsibility by the county government would save ALOT more !
Chris Hollis
Lafayette, GA
EMAIL: kf4vqm@comcast.net
joined: 2005-07-05 05:19:40
ROVE a criminal ?
2005-07-17 09:45:08
I was wondering what the group thought about the issue currently concerning Karl Rove's alleged 'outing' of a CIA agent ?
Some say the agent in question was not undercover at the time of Rove's indiscretion.
Others say he's done a disservice to the country.
What is the group's opinion ?
joined: 2005-07-05 05:19:40
Property Tax Babboons
2005-07-15 03:16:48
Apologies to the group for my last 'double post'
joined: 2005-07-05 05:19:40
Property Tax Babboons
2005-07-15 03:12:52
I live in Tewksbury township. Like the rest of New Jersey
homeowners, we pay exhorbitant property tax rates (we're gettin' away
cheap at $1100 each and every month). What completely confounds
me is why, in the recent school board elections, local residents voted
FOR a property tax increase to fund some athletic effort at the local
schools. Why is the state lottery not going to fund these sorts
of efforts, like it was originally supposed to ? This is why the
schmucks in Trenton do not listen to people who gripe about their
property taxes.. I know I'd never listen to complaints about some moron
who votes for a property tax increase because he is part of the
problem. I can only think that more Tewksbury Township residents
are RENTERS and not OWNERS.....these people should not be allowed to
designate property owners as the slobs who need to foot the bill for
sonething like this. The PARENTS of kids attending the schools should
fork over the cash....maybe then they'd be less enthusiastic about
expensive and unnecessary expenditures at school.
joined: 2005-07-05 05:19:40
Property Tax Babboons
2005-07-15 03:12:25
I live in Tewksbury township. Like the rest of New Jersey
homeowners, we pay exhorbitant property tax rates (we're gettin' away
cheap at $1100 each and every month). What completely confounds
me is why, in the recent school board elections, local residents voted
FOR a property tax increase to fund some athletic effort at the local
schools. Why is the state lottery not going to fund these sorts
of efforts, like it was originally supposed to ? This is why the
schmucks in Trenton do not listen to people who gripe about their
property taxes.. I know I'd never listen to complaints about some moron
who votes for a property tax increase because he is part of the
problem. I can only think that more Tewksbury Township residents
are RENTERS and not OWNERS.....these people should not be allowed to
designate property owners as the slobs who need to foot the bill for
sonething like this. The PARENTS of kids attending the schools should
fork over the cash....maybe then they'd be less enthusiastic about
expensive and unnecessary expenditures at school.
joined: 2005-07-01 00:12:27
Refund of rental deposit
2005-07-01 00:19:26
As unfortunate as that is, the only recourse you may have is to take this matter to small claims court. Before you go filing, you may want to make TRIPLE sure you did uphold your end of the lease agreement, gather your facts and present it to the management company in question pleading your case. If THAT does not work (or has not worked), then again, it's a matter for the small claims court. This is basically a civil matter. I wish you the best of luck.
dawn pelsinger
joined: 2005-06-02 00:51:48
donator refuses to refund rental deposit
2005-06-02 00:59:06
i am not sure that this posting belongs here. but i dont know what else to do. sanford sirulnick, pres of ditmas mgmt, is listed as donating $1000, on this site.
yet his mgmt agency cant see to refund me the $1500 rental security and interest for residing in their building for 14 years.
this loss has placed such a hardship on my family, that i have had to increase my workload.
dawn pelsinger
Michael J Hanrahan
joined: 2005-06-01 02:27:28
California Fireworks ..............
2005-06-01 03:16:28
It is impossible to think of this as a problem. California Residents should be able to Use Fireworks... perhaps if we get back to a few of the basics;..... it is most likely because of the irony that would exist..
come on.............. It's not the Fireworks they oppose.... its the Celebration ...... Were Not Firework Used to celebrate our Liberty from British Fire "and the rocket red glare; the bombs bursting in air........ gave proof through the night that our flag was still there........Â
It is easy to solve. This is it.  "California's are clearly and illegally buying drugs from Cananda; so fast that legislation is debunkled over how fast can they implement this.  Â
The cross country answer to this problem is to OVER RIDE EXISTING BANS IN SUCH NUMBERS THAT A VOTE IS NOT NEEDED TO SHOW OPPOSITION TO CURRENT LAWÂ Â Â Â Â Please let me know if you need fireworks.........Â
It's a POP away....... Ship them straight from China.... what can they say...... China owns EMBARRASSINGLY significant hugh stakes in US Savings Bonds.......... And China .... all the while shipping us tennis shoes ....... owns mass real ESTATE property...... FARMS, COMMERCIAL LAND, MORGAGE COMPANYS, HUGE SHARES IN THE BANKING INDUSTRY.............  Go ask of the Federal Reserve whey they issued an alert; it came as a total surprise.
Yet, China is the only remaining MAJOR recognized countries (those countries that are composed of those countries that choose to be recognized by the same countries; all of which are tied to US LOANs at staggering , up to 79% interest rates.
Go looking ....... looks to me that your barking up the wrong tree if you want to go to the woods and fire them off (what class fire works do they allow?) But, it would really hit the retail market with a great impact to SELL them on corners; every corner.... NO one will buy the roses from the Khrisners?  And don't go to the drylands......... but to the Ocean!   Oh,, and NEVER leave out the Cali Cities //....... THERE concrete?      Set up web sites; get a china supplier; and contact a "mortage broker" for a loan to get them; or give china; the mortage for your home.... they work for rice; certainly they will only charge an interest of  1.2% if you default....... you can still live there....... they don't want your home; your communities; or your PRIVACY......... just the right to have it.
See how we have used those faithful chinese people; and they so generously respond to the Walmart Public.  IT is tidbids, and trinket,...... american must have things. GIVE US MONEY and nothing to do but show our american freedom to spend. IT make us powerful.
You don't need legislation to pop firecrackers. Just POP up one election and FIRE those CRACKERS that will not let you know the freedom of celebration.
Put all into a contract; negotiate with Visa, under co contract the the LONDON American Bank. YOUR MONEY transactions going through EUROPE, who is hemmoriodal over a secret attempt to UNIONIZe the entire continent with a NEW CONSTITION making them, in essence, ONE COUNTRY.
The French have always been revolutionists / and like it or not / the vote will lead moreso than Britain..... hope it doesn't go back to the people who have allready voted it in........ that a ballot to investigate... because if they knew that the french would not appove, never would have they approved it.
I never heard of the attempt; this FRANCE VOTERS overrode the "attempt" to fabricate voting records.  In fact; so sold on the Constitution, were those who were pushing it; they never thought once they should pull a florida scam. Â
Wake up American............ California has decided to Celebrate.
joined: 2005-05-26 15:23:10
2005-05-26 15:31:52
If anybody's looking for a great political documentary, check out
"Anytown, USA." The film paints a quirky, humorous portrait of the
small town of Bogota, New Jersey through the trials and tribulations of
it's mayorial candidates...two of which are blind. It manages to be
both pervasive and engaging while garnering more laughs than a
Christopher Guest film (I swear they aren't paying me to say this).
Sirk Productions has a trailer up at www.anytownusathemovie.com
and it will be featured in the Atlanta Film Festival. If you're into
politics or you just want to see a good film, I strongly recommend it.
joined: 2005-05-25 10:55:42
support ab1295 - new years fireworks bill
2005-05-25 11:01:59
The people of California should be allowed to buy and discharge fireworks on new years eve if they want to.
Please let your officials in Sacramento to please vote and pass this bill.
We can buy and discharge safe & sane fireworks on the 4th of July, why not on New Years as well. Isn't that a national holiday also.
Al Adams - Fresno, CA