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Nebraska Information and History
NE Travel Information

Bartley 69020
Danbury 69026
Indianola 69034
Mc Cook 69001
Red Willow County Nebraska Population Census
Population 2003 11,252
Perc 2000 2003 -1.7
Population 2000 11,448
Perc 90 2000 -2.2
Persons Under 5 6.2
Persons Under 18 24.9
Persons Older 65 19
Female Persons 51.6
White Persons 97.5
African American 0.2
American Indian 0.4
Asians 0.2
Other Race 0.9
Two Or More Races 0.8
White Person Non Latino 96.3
Hispanic Or Latino Origins 2.5
Living In Same House 61.2
Foreing Born Persons 1.2
Other Language Spoken 2.4
Highschool Graduates 87.9
Bachelors Degree 15.2
Person With Disablity 2,161
Travel Time To Work 12
Housing Units 5,317
Homeownership Rate 70.6
Multi Unit Houses 12.9
Meidan House Value 58,900
Households 4,710
Person Per Household 2.3
Median Household Income 32,293
Per Capita Income 16,303
Poverty Level 9.6
Red Willow County Nebraska Business Census
Private Buisnesses 443
Private Buisness Employees 4,127
Private Percent Change -3.5
Nonemployer Establishments 794
Retail Sales 176,293
Retail Sales Per Capita 15,516
Women Owned Firms 44
Building Permits 19
Federal Grants 77,028
Red Willow County Nebraska Geography Census
Land Area 717
Persons Per Sq Mile 16
Metropolitan Areas None
Fips Code 145
County Red Willow
State NE

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CapWeb Articles
- Choosing a Quality Lawyer

- Ins and Outs of Bankruptcy

- What is a Trademark?

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- Tax Evasion

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Nebraska Counties
Adams | Antelope | Arthur | Banner | Blaine | Boone | Box Butte | Boyd | Brown | Buffalo | Burt | Butler | Cass | Cedar | Chase | Cherry | Cheyenne | Clay | Colfax | Cuming | Custer | Dakota | Dawes | Dawson | Deuel | Dixon | Dodge | Douglas | Dundy | Fillmore | Franklin | Frontier | Furnas | Gage | Garden | Garfield | Gosper | Grant | Greeley | Hall | Hamilton | Harlan | Hayes | Hitchcock | Holt | Hooker | Howard | Jefferson | Johnson | Kearney | Keith | Keya Paha | Kimball | Knox | Lancaster | Lincoln | Logan | Loup | Madison | Mcpherson | Merrick | Morrill | Nance | Nemaha | Nuckolls | Otoe | Pawnee | Perkins | Phelps | Pierce | Platte | Polk | Red Willow | Richardson | Rock | Saline | Sarpy | Saunders | Scotts Bluff | Seward | Sheridan | Sherman | Sioux | Stanton | Thayer | Thomas | Thurston | Todd | Valley | Washington | Wayne | Webster | Wheeler | York

AE | AK | AL | AP | AR | AS | AZ | CA | CO | CT | DC | DE | FL | GA | GU | HI | IA | ID | IL | IN | KS | KY | LA | MA | MD | ME | MI | MN | MO | MP | MS | MT | NC | ND | NE | NH | NJ | NM | NV | NY | OH | OK | OR | PA | PR | RI | SC | SD | TN | TX | UT | VA | VI | VT | WA | WI | WV | WY
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